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Michael Grove (visiting scholar)

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
University of Birmingham
Visiting Member of PRiSM

Michael Grove is a visiting associate professor at the University of Leeds and a Reader in STEM Education at the University of Birmingham. He is the former Director of the National HE STEM Programme, a three-year initiative funded by HEFCE and HEFCW, which he co-developed, with a remit to enhance the way in which universities recruit students and deliver programmes of study within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. He has been a key figure in supporting the STEM subjects, deemed strategically important and vulnerable by government, since 2005, when he co-developed the More Maths Grads widening participation initiative, designed to increase and widen participation within the mathematical sciences at university level. A physicist by background, Michael works within the University of Birmingham and nationally on issues relating to learning and teaching within higher education.

He teaches mathematics to undergraduate students from a range of STEM disciplines at Birmingham and has also taught mathematics to undergraduate physicists at the University of Leeds. He leads the University of Birmingham's Mathematics Support Centre, which was established to ensure all undergraduate students have access to prompt support to aid their learning of mathematics within any discipline. He has made a national contribution to furthering mathematics support provision, and in recognition of his work in this area he was recently appointed Associate Director of the sigma Mathematics and Statistics Support Network. His learning and teaching interests include supporting students at the transition to university, particularly in relation to non-specialist learning of mathematics; the teaching of mechanics and, enhancing modelling and problem-solving skills. He also supports the professional development of new academic members of staff and part-time teachers, including a national workshop series for postgraduates who teach mathematics.

Michael has established a highly successful national programme of activity to promote and support scholarship, evaluation and research in learning and teaching within the STEM disciplines in higher education, which he co-leads with colleagues from the Universities of Hull and Leeds.

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